Marketing Team

Marketing Team

Some of the marketing team hanging in Austin


Recently shipped

New and improved migration guides

Not using PostHog? Now it's easier to fix that with our migration guides.

We added many new guides as well as rewriting and testing the existing ones. This includes guides for Amplitude, Google Analytics, Heap, LaunchDarkly, Matomo, Mixpanel, Pendo, and Statsig.

Happy migrating!


Product focus: Web analytics

  • Rationale: We want to focus most of our marketing efforts around a single product, giving the team greater focus. We're choosing web analytics because it's recently out of beta and has strong adoption already.

  • Owned by: Lior and Ian

  • Contributors: Andy and others where needed

  • What we're shipping:

    • Great web analytics docs
    • Comparisons for main competitors
    • Alternatives guides for main competitors
    • Better privacy docs and advice (GDPR consent etc.)
    • Proper web vs product analytics guide
    • Loads of relevant tutorials and SEO content
    • Social ads for web analytics
  • We'll know we're successful when:

    • We see increasing usage of web analytics
    • More people choosing web analytics at onboarding
    • Growing word of mouth for PostHog as a web analytics tool (brand mentions)

Content focus: Newsletter

  • Rationale: We've built a successful newsletter, but we need to aim higher. We want to ship more ambitious and original articles. Our ultimate long-term goal is people should talk about Product for Engineers in the same, or similar, terms as Lenny's Newsletter. A "default" newsletter that is synonmous with quality.

  • Owned by: Andy

  • Contributors: Ian, Lior, James Hawkins and anyone else who wants to get involved

  • What we're shipping:

    • Bar raising issues of the newsletter
    • Working toward a higher frequency of issues
    • Potentially new newsletter formats
    • Andy attempting to become a LinkedIn influencer #youreathoughtleadernowharry
  • We'll know we're successful when:

    • We ship newsletters we're very proud of
    • People talk about the newsletter like they do our brand / website
    • Increasing word of mouth and organic growth of the newsletter

Merch that's popping off

  • Rationale: We've got some great new designs being printed. Next stage is to get them stocked and create buzz around how great our merch is.

  • Owned by: Lottie

  • Contributors: Whole marketing team where needed

  • What we're shipping:

    • Merch printed and in the store
    • Photoshoot for the store + social promotion
    • A whole bunch of stuff to promote the merch online (TBD)
  • We'll know we're successful when:

    • People buy and wear our stuff
    • Proved via photos and posts on social media
    • People choosing to buy it without a merch code / giveaway

Kickass billboards

  • Rationale: We have a bunch of billboards booked for Q1 2025. We should have something on them, I guess? Solid plan.

  • Owned by: Charles

  • Contributors: Lottie, Cory, and James

  • What we're shipping:

    • Billboard designs shipped on time
    • A Q4 campaign to create buzz and get people talking
    • Q1 2025 online campaigns to run at same time as billboards
  • We'll know we're successful when:

    • We've shipped. Results will come in Q1 2025
    • Real love for the billboards and shares on social
    • Increase in branded search that coincides with the campaign

Hire someone to own paid ads and incentive schemes

  • Rationale: We spend a decent amount on paid ads on Google and LinkedIn, but it doesn't have a full-time owner. Time spent here by Andy distracts him from things he'd rather be doing and is better at. We'd also like to explore creating a referral and/or affiliate scheme, but don't have capacity to do so internally.

  • Owned by: Andy

  • Contributors: Charles

  • What we're shipping:

    • Job spec with aim to start hiring once we've onboarded new hires to content team
    • A clear hypothesis about what we want this person to do and how we'll evaluate success
  • We'll know we're successful when:

    • We've hired someone who kicks ass and drives growth, or...
    • ...we decide to focus hiring efforts elsewhere, but probably the former.


Slack channel



Budget is here (internally viewable only)